VeAnxious Au Learner Advocacy Site

Disability Neurodivergences focused


I’m a disabled Neurodivergent Jew

This is my advocacy and education website.

What follows is a brief description of the site, me, & how to use it.


Simply search tag or file name to get free resources. Topics range from disability to renewable energy to antisemitism to lifestyle tips/tricks. Files are downloadable as either Word or slide versions, but you can just view them online too. Also, you can look up “file tag directory” to see a list of all resources, a list of all tags, and more in alphabetical order (or click here: -> tags <-)New

View DetailsThis is my advocacy and education website.

What follows is a brief description of the website & me.

I’m AUDHD (autistic + ADHD), dyslexic, dyspraxia (motor coordination issue), have synesthesia, unknown tic/stim disorder, cPTSD (complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) & GAD (General Anxiety Disorder) amongst other things. For physical disability, I have severe migraines, neurovascular issues, GI issues, and more. I am also proudly Jewish, and am working in the field of renewable energy/Chemistry and pursuing a physics Ph.D.. I also have worked in renewable energy, metamaterials, and genetics.

I will cover these subjects more in-depth using my many years of experience in tutoring and online advocacy. Contact can be made at or @veanxious_au_learner on instagram

RECENT files

Handpicked files from the last 30 days